FAQ About ECO Friendly Laundromats

  • Using a front-loading washer instead of a top load washer saves enough water to fill a child’s wading pool.
  • Water saved by four front-load (versus four top-load) washes could fill your children’s 30-gallon wading pool, with extra water left over.
  • Using cold water instead of hot for just one load in one of our front-loading washers saves enough energy to power a 32” LCD TV (125 watts) for 21 hours or 3 hours a day for a whole week.

*Credit to Paradise Laundry

We are open 7 days a week from 5:00 am to 11:00 pm.

Laundry Tips


Sponge with cold water or soak, then Pretreat remaining stain and launder with appropriate bleach and hottest water safe for fabric.
Soak in cold water, the Pretreat remaining stain. Launder with appropriate bleach and hottest water safe for fabric. If stain persists, soak in warm water with Presoak product.
Rub with ice and scrape off any excess with dull knife. Then place stained area between paper towels and press with warm iron, replace paper towels frequently to absorb wax. Launder with appropriate bleach and hottest water safe for fabric.
Remove excess with dull knife and soak in cold water. Pretreat remaining stain and launder with appropriate bleach and hottest water safe for fabric.
Soak in cold water and Pretreat remaining stain; Launder with appropriate bleach and hottest water safe for fabric.
Place stained surface onto layers of paper towels, spray with WD-40 and let stand for a few minutes. Turn fabric and spray other side and let stand. Apply liquid hand dishwashing detergent; work into stain until removed.
Pretreat stain and launder with appropriate bleach and hottest water safe for fabric. If stain persists, soak in warm water with Pretreat product. Rinse and relaunder.
Pretreat stain and launder with appropriate bleach in hottest water safe for fabric. Treat freshly discolored stains with ammonia, old stains with vinegar. Rinse thoroughly and relaunder.
If wet, spray with Spray n Wash and relaunder in warm water. Check before drying in dryer. If stain persists, may have to repeat. If stain is dry, launder with chlorine bleach if safe for fabric otherwise use non-chlorine bleach. May try a commercial color remover. Stain may be impossible to remove.
Remove excess with dull knife and soak in cold water. Pretreat remaining stain and launder with appropriate bleach in hottest water safe for fabric.
Rub dampened stain with hand soap, (Irish spring or Ivory) and relaunder in usual manner.
Soak in warm water and relaunder with appropriate bleach in hottest water safe for fabric.
Soak in cold water; relaunder with appropriate bleach in hottest water safe for fabric.
Pretreat stain and launder with appropriate bleach in hottest water safe for fabric. If stain persists, sponge with alcohol, rinse thoroughly and relaunder.
Pretreat stain with liquid detergent and rub into stain. Launder with appropriate bleach in hottest water safe for fabric. If stain persists, sponge stain with alcohol and relaunder.
Rub with ice and carefully remove excess with dull knife. Pretreat stain and launder in hottest water safe for fabric.

Rub a household cleaner (Mr. Clean etc…) onto the stain, rinse & repeat as many times necessary to remove. Launder with appropriate bleach and hottest water safe for fabric.
Pretreat stain. Launder with appropriate bleach and hottest water safe for fabric, do not dryer dry. If stain remains sponge safe cleaning fluid and relaunder.
Pretreat stain and launder with chlorine bleach and hottest water safe for fabric. Do not dryer dry. If stain remains, sponge with peroxide, rinse and relaunder.
Soak in warm water. Launder it with appropriate bleach and hottest water safe for fabric.
When dry, brush off as much as possible. Rinse in cold water. Pretreat stain; launder with appropriate bleach and hottest water safe for fabric.
Pretreat stain, launder with appropriate bleach and hottest water safe for fabric.
Place stain face down onto paper towels and sponge with nail polish remover, until stain disappears. (DO NOT USE ON ACETATE & AMEL FABRICS) Rinse thoroughly and launder with appropriate bleach and hottest water safe for fabric.
DRIED PAINT IS ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE TO REMOVE, while paint is still wet, rinse in cool water well. Launder in hottest water safe for fabric.
Same as Beverages.
Launder with rust remover, follow instructions.
Launder with appropriate bleach and hottest water safe for fabric. Do not dryer dry. If stain persists, sponge with 1 pt alcohol and 2 pts water, rinse and relaunder.
Shake to remove loose particles, sort laundry to avoid soil transfer, use 1 cup conditioner (Calgon etc…,) ½ cup non-chlorine bleach and detergent as directed, launder in either hot or warm water, and relaunder until removed. (Cotton may require 4-5 cycles. Do not Dryer Dry until finished.)
Act very quickly before stain is dry! Scrape excess from fabric with dull knife. Place stain face down onto paper towel. Sponge back of stain with tar remover. Rinse thoroughly and launder in hottest water safe for fabric.
Avoid using hot water right away. Pretreat stain and soak in cold water with detergent. Launder in cold Cold water with detergent. Do not Dryer Dry. Check again, If stain still persists, then launder in hot water until removed with appropriate bleach and detergent .
Scrape off excess and soak in warm water. Pretreat stain and launder with appropriate bleach and hottest water safe for fabric.
Treat with Goo-gone or liquid detergent. Rub into stained area and rinse out. Launder with hottest water safe for fabric.

Refund Policy


We strive to keep each machine in working condition, however, there are times that it might just break down, like with everything else in the world. Technology is only as good as the owner who maintains it and takes care of it.  But if there’s a time that one of our machines do not perform to their standard, we would like to hear from you! Our generous refund policy is very simple: fill out an “out of order” form, include the machine #, type of issue, & your contact information, WE WILL REFUND YOU PROMPTLY!